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Photography/Web Design


DIGITAL IMAGING (MVHS)                                   
0.5 Credit
This is an introductory course in design and imaging techniques. Students will learn the basic tools and techniques of Photoshop to make composites, create artwork, retouch photographs, and scan and manipulate images.

Prerequisite: Career and Financial Management

0.5 Credit 
This is a basic skills course intended to teach the beginning of photography. Each student will learn techniques and methods of photographic presentation.

WEB DESIGN 1 (MVHS)                                              
0.5 Credit
In this course, students will develop skills in the research, planning, design, and development of interactive websites. Students will use Macromedia Fireworks to create graphics and use Macromedia Dreamweaver to design and build Web projects.

Prerequisite: Integrated Office Applications 1

WEB DESIGN 2 (MVHS)                                           
0.5 Credit
Students will have their Web design and development skills cultivated and enriched throughout this course. Students will work on teams to research, plan, design, and build websites for real or fictitious clients. Student Macromedia Fireworks and Dreamweaver skillsets will also be expanded.

Prerequisite: Web Design 1


Chad Ubiwa
Photography/Web Design Teacher